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Welcome to the

Parrothead Club of Tidewater

Celebrating 28 

You've reached the online home of The Parrot Head Club of Tidewater (PHCoT). We've been around since 1996, "quietly making noise" while raising over $1,000,000 for local and national charities

About Us

The Parrot Head Club of Tidewater (PHCoT) was founded in 1996 by Andy & Bonnie Harrell. With the help of flyers posted in local restaurants, and a few on air mentions by Dick Lamb of 2WD radio, the word got out. Twenty six Parrot Heads came ot the first meeting on January 6, 1996. We have been "Quietly Making Noise" since 1996, and in that time we have raised over $800,000 for local and national charities, as well as countless volunteer hours by many dedicated members.

Mission Statement:
"Our not-for-profit organization is formed of people who realize they are blessed with abundant life and want to return to the community and the environment in some small way the gifts we share as well as provide a variety of social activities for people who share an enjoyment of Jimmy Buffett's music."

About Us

Come Visit Us

Head on over to A.J. Gators Sports Bar and Grill in Virginia Beach at 3908 Holland Road. Typically we get together on the 1st Tuesday of the month and the meeting starts at 7:30PM. But you will want to come out early and get a seat and meet new phriends!

See You there...Come Phlock with us you won't be sorry.


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Links you can use!

Everything you need to know!

Jimmy Buffet tour dates

Start planning your summer!

Parrot Heads in 
Paradise, Inc


Meeting of the Minds
Facebook Group

The Annual Event!

©2017 by Parrothead Club of Tidewater. Proudly created with

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